DeKUT Office of Career Services leverages on various partners to successfully carry out her mandate. To begin with, we work with the rich human resource within (and linked to) the University: our Innovation and Incubation Hub (DeHUB), the Start – Up Centre, the Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship Management, DeKUT Science &Technology Park (De_STP), Directorate of Students Welfare, International Office, our Staff, Alumni as well as Students who have experience in certain areas and can act as peer mentors to their fellow students. The Ministry of Education, the Public Service Commission, the various organizations in diverse fields (local & international) and CEO’s/ MD’s as well as employees of these organizations and other similar and different institutions are also our key partners.
Some of the external partners we are working closely with on various programs and initiatives all towards preparing our students for the world of work and entrepreneurship and linking them to this world are:

Your Organization/ Company/ Institution or Entity is invited to become our partner by expressing interest through this form: